Editorial Policy

Calls and reception of originals

The Call for papers for the presentation of original works to be included in future issues of the "Latin American Journal of Bodies Emotions and Society" is permanently open since September 2010. Manuscripts may be sent throughout the year ( articles and reviews). The articles received will enter the peer evaluation process, and if approved, they will be assigned to future indexes according to the editorial line of this Journal.

Theme and scope

Based on the work of the Latin American Network of Social Studies on Emotions and Bodies, this Journal seeks to establish itself as a space for questioning the theoretical, methodological, epistemological and political status of studies on the Body and Emotions from America America and the Global South.

Placing the body / emotion as a political issue means understanding it as a foundation for the exercise of power. Any exercise that attempts to understand what is being talked about when naming the body / emotion involves pointing out the structural conditions under which this phenomenon can exist and be named. This means a task of clarifying the horizon of meaning that makes its existence possible and its study valid. Our body hears, feels, smells, tastes and sees what is socially constructed as a “felt world”.

In this line, the main objective of this publication is to open a space for discussion in and from Latin America and the Global South on the social studies of emotions and bodies.

Sections Policy


Original works related to topics related to the content of the magazine are accepted.

Each item must:

  1. a) Have a title and a summary with a length of 200 characters.
  2. c) Enter titles, degrees, current academic affiliation, the author's email address and ORCID.
  3. d) Comply with the publication format defined in the regulations.

Submissions: Texts can only be sent through the OJS system. Only files in text format (extension RTF or compatible with Microsoft Word) and images and graphics in JPG or GIF format will be accepted.


Unpublished bibliographic reviews or book comments on the themes and disciplines related to the journal are included. Images can be included.

Format: The reviews must respect the stipulations for the articles regarding the format and way of citing. However, the minimum length for them will be 1500 words and the maximum 2000 words.

They must be original (not have been sent simultaneously to another publication for consideration or be in the process of evaluation in another journal) and of a recent bibliographic work linked to the theme of the journal.

Additionally, reviews must:

. Have an independent title different from that of the reviewed work.

. Have an abstract (between 100 and 200 words in length), title and five keywords in two languages: English and Spanish, or Portuguese and English (as appropriate).

. Include all the bibliographic data of the reviewed work.

Shipping: Only texts sent through the Online Shipping system will be accepted. Only files in text format (extension RTF or compatible with Microsoft Word) and images and graphics in JPG or GIF format will be accepted.


Reserved for the publication of news and news related to the field of studies and disciplines related to the theme of the magazine. It is prepared by a member of the Editorial Team or a guest of the same.

To suggest or include content in this section, you can write an email or contact the Editorial Team.

Peer review process

All papers submitted for publication (including reviews) will be submitted to an anonymous external evaluation -under the double-blind system- by two (2) academic peers of outstanding international trajectory in the thematic area of ​​the journal. In order to maintain the anonymity of both parties, the Editorial Team of RELACES will mediate in these instances.

The originals will be submitted to an editorial process that takes place in several phases: First, the Editorial Team will review the works so that they meet the formal and thematic criteria of this publication. Those writings that do not conform to the theme of the journal and / or the norms for authors will not be sent to external evaluators. In these cases, the authors will be notified to adapt their presentation to these requirements.

Once it is established that the articles meet the thematic and formal requirements, they will be sent to two external academic peers who will decide: a) Publish the article as it is presented, b) Publish the article with modifications, and c) reject the article. In the event of a discrepancy between the opinions, the opinion of a third referee will be requested, whose decision will define the result.

Likewise, when modifications are requested, the author will have a period determined by the Editorial Team to carry them out, being the same subject to review by the reviewers who requested them.

The average time for evaluating articles is 90 days, counting from the date of confirmation of receipt. Once the evaluation process is finished, the Editorial Team of the journal will communicate by email the acceptance or not of the works to the authors and will inform them of the tentative publication date when appropriate. The results of the academic opinion process will be final in all cases.

Publication frequency

The articles will be published together once the corresponding number has been prepared. The frequency of publication is three issues a year, the months of appearance being April, August and December respectively.