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Desde Abajo
Transformación de Conciencia y Conducta
Empoderamiento Español


The aim of the paper will be to present our proposal of analysis about the role of emotions in protest. Focusing
on the analysis from below, we have paid special attention to the experience of the participants and
its emotional dimension. From the firsts results of our research we have seen that emotions play an important
role in the day-to-day practices of the groups we have studied and that they interact with cognition in
determining individual’s behaviour. Emotions not only motivate individuals but they might change their beliefs
too. In conclusion, we have seen that emotions play an important role in protest, not only influencing
motivation and recruitment, but also affecting some outcomes of protest, like empowerment. The methodology
that we have developed in our researches is based on depth interviews, story life and narrative analysis
of the biographical material. We will present some results based on analysis of specific case studies: the
insurgency of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 2006, and some grassroots environmental conflict in Spain and Mexico.

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