Recuerdos, silencios y olvidos sobre “lo colectivo que supimos conseguir”. Memoria(s) y olvido(s) como mecanismos de soportabilidad social


This article analyzes the relationship “memory-oblivion” considering it as one of the possible ways to explore the emotions, feelings and body marks confi-gured in disputes over “access to the city” featured by collective actors during the period 1983-1992 in the city of Cordoba.
As part of an approach that articulates the study of collective actions and sociology of the body and the emotions, it’s been assumed that memory and obli-vion are inter-subjective reconstructions operating perform between the subjects as one of the social support mechanisms in the context of numerous and consequential experiential and corporeal appropria-tions, experienced during the historical here and now. After the previous analysis in terms of resources and potential for the research, we present a series of reflections about silences and oblivion from the some testimonies, as manifestations of structural and expe-riential absences that shape reconstructions on present-past made by the subjects, such as their sto-ries about a future become spectrum from the land of “always will be like this”.

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