Corporalidad velada: la subjetivación del sujeto migrante


This paper pretends to let know about processes of racial subjection of mexican migrants in New York city, from arguments that come from the fact that the migrant-subject has been educated in racisms, self despise and stigmas from their own places of origin and in a silent and invisible way. Such arguments are based on the historical analisis (Bonfil Batalla 1989, Forescano, 1987; Paz, 1990) of the introspection of racial self-despise in Mexico, on the theoretical study about processes of appeal and subjection (Althusser, 1976; Foucault 1992 y Butler 1997) and on a qualitative research done in New York city (2007-2010). Based on the former ideas, we propose the category Veiled corporal as "figura de intelección" that willl allow us to approach to the subjectivity of the migrant subject, where as the body as surface of identity inscription shows and hides at the same time a series of identity prints that refer to stigmatized subjectivities based on facial and body features, ra-cially distinctive and that hide a historical, social, and epistemological construction that has naturalized and located mexican migrants as inferior subject.

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