Amerindian matrilineages of the popular arts in the public space


The present article, in the contex of the Cultural Studies and Visual Culture in Decolonial Perspective, serchs to promote relational reading of the images starting  in the observation of the emergence of “affectivities” in esthetic-sensitive productions, understandig centrally the  emotional dimension of the experience in the promotion of interpretencions located and included in interpretations of the (plural) Latin American esthetics. Methodologically serchs bonding the interpretations from the study of two cases of images that come from the same textile body. Through the “sociology of the image” (Rivera Cusicanqui, 2010, 2015) it pretends to visualize the sensible-emotional component of the subalternized cultural productions and artifacts - even from the sensibility of the euro-central arts. The interpretations are born over collective, horizontal, historical, and subjective comprehension horizons. The interpretive hability, the horizon of interpretation and the visual context of   an image, always soeechs about an "us" inter-relational, there exist in relations circuits, and can produce multiple modes respecting the material artefact or the performance process from which are born.

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