Images and body meanings of the aging body for older Chilean women.
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Palabras claves: Cuerpo envejecido; Mujeres mayores chilenas; Anuncios publicitarios; Significados corporales; Imágenes corporales. Keywords: Aged body; Chilean older women; Advertisement; Body meanings; Body images.


Chilean society has promoted the effacement of the aging body (Le Breton, 2002). From a neoliberal and consumerist system that builds it as a moldable object, according to the needs of the individual-user. Therefore, it tries to eliminate all presence of old age. These bodily features remind us of fragility, they threaten the socio-cultural maxims of productivity and vitality. Mainly, in the case of women belonging to the third and fourth age groups, who experience multi-factor discrimination. Along these lines, the following article examined the following question: What are the images and meanings of the aging body in 60-year-old Chilean women, which is answered through a systematic revision of the literature. The main results of the study indicate that older women report experiencing exclusion processes, associated with the demands of their environment to preserve beauty, a youthful and healthy appearance.



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