The relevance of a history of emotional construction of the female body in Mexico 1850-1910. Approach from social constructionism


The emotionsfrom a naturalistic view have been associated as a feature of de called feminine nature. Such representation has become a feature of the femininity. In the nineteenth century and the beginnings of the twentieth, the naturalization of the affective dimension, contributed to shaping a female affective culture; which has contributed to the social organization of the relations between genders.
In this text, there are presented some reflections about science representations of female emotions and the progress of an investigation named: Women´s body emotional construction in Mexico 1850-1910. This research has as objective the analysis about the medical representation of the women´s body and emotions. Since the use of an interdisciplinary framework in the study of the emotions it is pretended to show that the emotions are in a basic analysis dimension for the interpretation of the
general and specially the gender culture.

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