Una aproximación a la corporalidad indígena desde las políticas públicas habitacionales


The article refersto the inclusion of indigenous peoplesin Housing Public Policy in the province of Chaco, implemented
in urban local plants at Guemes States Department. At first, it seeks to put into dialogue two ways of understanding
corporeality: first, to inquire into the logic of the State, this essay analytically examines how the body is built using
state technologies, and secondly, those perspectives where body is released from the body itself, the "lived body". In
a second stage, methodological precautions related to the sociology of the body and emotions are described. Then,
from an ethnographic approach, nodal points are outlined in terms of implementing a housing policy of the Nation
emphasizing images from experiences, past and present members of an extensive family of the localities. From narratives descriptions relating to fieldwork, we try to make clear how the ethnographic approach allows to account for the
vivencialidad of subjects in (and from) the new living conditions in postcolonial intercultural contexts.

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