Cuerpos enclaustrados: el caso de las Ciudades Rurales Sustentables en Chiapas, México.
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Plan Puebla Panamá
Proyecto de Integración y Desarrollo de Mesoamérica
Ciudades Rurales Sustentables
Blindaje Discursivo de Políticas Públicas
Cuerpos Enclaustrados Español


This paper studies the program “ciudades rurales sustentables” (sustainable rural cities) in the State of Chiapas,
México, which apparently follows the “Puebla-Panamá Plan” which has been renamed as “Mesoamerica Integration
and Development Project”. This program has been legitimated through an specific kind of discourse named
by the authors “public politics discursive armor”, which, at the same time, justifies expropiation of rural land and
leave peasants free as cheap labor on service to trasnational capital interests. This research focuses on the case
of Nuevo Juan de Grijalva rural city trying to show how forced cloister and subordination produce tremendous
changes on subjects, from owner peasants producing for their own, to workmanship available to laboral markets;
from autonomous subjects with extended habitat and space, with their own traditions, to piled up bodies in tiny
houses full or rats; from collectivities with political participation traditions, to kept watched on subjects, afraid
of expressing any political disagreement.

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